Postpartum Exercises for New Moms

Exercising is a must for all ages and at all stages of life. For its numerous benefits, all healthcare experts always advise that we should remain active, exercise, and live a healthy lifestyle. But with changing lifestyles, we all are so engaged in day-to-day work that exercising and healthy living takes a back seat. At some stages of life, like pregnancy and after childbirth, remaining healthy and active becomes all the more crucial. This article by Care for Child will help you understand the benefits and importance of postpartum exercise and help you with some tips and exercises that will help you recuperate faster and get back on a healthy weight and lifestyle in time. Let us begin with understanding why postpartum exercise or postpartum exercise after the C Section is important.

Benefits of Postpartum Exercise

  • Beginning with some easy postpartum exercise will help you remain active & gain strength after childbirth.
  • It helps in the recovery of your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles that might have become weak after childbirth. 
  • Exercising helps in losing the extra weight that your body would have put on during pregnancy. 
  • Exercising in general releases hormones that relieve stress and can help with postpartum depression and mood swings. 
  • Postpartum exercise can also help you get better sleep, which is a big need for new mothers. 
  • It helps you regain your stamina. 
  • Some exercise routines can also help you have some me time and some self-care time that you need as a new mother. 

Some Precautions & Safety Tips You Need to Take

While exercising is extremely important after childbirth, there are some precautions you might need to take. The following points will help you understand these precautions, what and what is not to be done as a part of your daily exercise routine. 
  • Consult your doctor – Every pregnancy is unique and everyone’s body has different needs. While there are some safe exercises like Kegel for pelvic floor strengthening which you can start doing right after giving birth, it is advised to check with your doctor and healthcare provider before starting any heavy exercises. 
  • Gradual progression - New mothers should slowly begin their postpartum exercise regimen, beginning with gentle activities and gradually advancing to more challenging workouts. This gradual method helps the body adjust to physical demands and lowers the risk of injury. Furthermore, exercises should be adjusted to accommodate individual recovery rates and physical abilities, ensuring a secure and efficient postpartum fitness journey.
  • Listen to your body's signals – New moms must pay attention to their body’s signals. Do not exert yourself in the name of postpartum exercise. If your body feels exhausted, stop. If you feel sleepy, take a nap. Postpartum exercising should be according to your recovering body’s limit. 
  • Proper warm-up and cool-down techniques - Before engaging in postpartum exercise, new moms should perform a thorough warm-up to prepare their muscles and joints for physical activity. Similarly, a cool-down session at the end of the workout helps the body transition back to a resting state and reduces the risk of muscle soreness. Including these techniques in the exercise routine promotes safety and minimizes the risk of injury.
  • Hydration and nutrition during – Apart from working out for the body, proper diet and maintaining your hydration level are also extremely important. Breastfeeding mothers need to up their fluid intake, and the fluids must include coconut water, soups, and other forms of low-calorie hydration apart from water. If you have gained a considerable amount of weight or have gestational diabetes, get help from a certified nutritionist for your diet plan. 
  • Signs of overexertion - New moms should pay attention to signs of overexertion during postpartum exercise, such as extreme tiredness, dizziness, or difficulty breathing. Being aware of these signs enables them to adjust their workout intensity or take breaks as needed, reducing the risk of strain or injury. Regular self-assessment and understanding of one's physical limits are essential for a safe and lasting postpartum exercise routine.
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Postpartum Exercise Routine

It is important to include all kinds of exercises for your complete recovery and health in your postpartum exercise routine. This section will cover those exercises. 
  • Gentle stretching exercises
New mothers can enhance their flexibility and release tense muscles by including mild stretching activities in their routine. By focusing on body parts that may have been tense during pregnancy, these exercises help ease tension and speed up the healing process. The restoration of a normal range of motion—which may have been compromised during pregnancy and childbirth—is another benefit of gentle stretching.
  • Pelvic floor exercises
Exercises for the pelvic floor, sometimes referred to as Kegel exercises, are essential for building the muscles that support the uterus, bladder, and intestines. By promoting the restoration of pelvic floor function following delivery, these exercises can lower the likelihood of pelvic organ prolapse and urine incontinence. Exercise for the pelvic floor can also promote better pelvic health and sexual performance.
  • Low-impact cardio workouts
Walking, swimming, or cycling are examples of low-impact aerobic exercises that help new mothers' hearts without putting undue strain on their joints. These activities enhance general well-being, increase vigour, and strengthen the heart. For new mothers looking to build their fitness levels gradually while lowering their risk of injury, low-impact cardio training is a great option.
  • Strength training exercises
For new mothers looking to tone their bodies and develop muscular strength, strength training activities with body weight or small weights may be quite beneficial. These workouts focus on the main muscle groups and help replenish decreased muscular tone during pregnancy. Strength training also promotes increased bone density, metabolism, and general physical toughness.

Mental and Emotional Well-being

Exercise after giving birth has many advantages for the body, but it's also highly important for the mind and general well-being. Frequent exercise generates endorphins, which are organic mood enhancers that assist new mothers in overcoming stress and the postpartum blues. Exercise develops a good body image, increases self-esteem, and gives one a sense of empowerment—all of which may be very helpful in the postpartum phase. Furthermore, the chance to have some "me time" during workouts enables new mothers to rejuvenate and concentrate on taking care of themselves. All things considered, adding exercise to the postpartum regimen can help with better mental and emotional health as well as a stronger feeling of resilience and balance.

Key Takeaways

  1. Exercise after giving birth is crucial for new mothers to rebuild strength, shed excess weight, and enhance their mental health. It also aids in the rehabilitation of pelvic floor and abdominal muscles, promotes better sleep, and boosts stamina.
  2. Precautions and safety advice: New mothers should see a doctor before beginning a strenuous activity, build up to a regular exercise regimen gradually, pay attention to their body signals, warm up and cool down properly, stay hydrated, eat a healthy diet, and watch out for symptoms of overexertion.
  3. Exercise regimen for new mothers: To promote healing and general health, the postpartum regimen should incorporate light stretching, pelvic floor exercises, low-impact aerobics training, and strength training activities.


Q1 - When can I resume my workouts after giving birth?

Ans - It is important to speak with your doctor before beginning any fitness regimen. Mild postpartum activities can be begun shortly after delivery; however, as the body heals, more strenuous workouts should be added gradually.

Q2 - Which workouts are safe for recovering from childbirth?

Ans - Gentle stretching, pelvic floor exercises (Kegels), low-impact aerobic workouts (such as swimming or walking), and mild strength training are safe postpartum rehabilitation exercises. These exercises can promote general recuperation, increase flexibility, and help with strength loss.

Q3 - How can I be sure that my postpartum exercise is safe?

Ans - It is critical to pay attention to your body, begin with low-impact exercises, maintain adequate hydration and nutrition, and speak with your healthcare professional to exercise safely after giving birth. Using appropriate warm-up and cool-down methods, grading gradually, and keeping an eye out for overexertion are all essential components of safe postpartum exercise.

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