Physical Changes During Pregnancy

"Body changes during pregnancy are normal to experience as your baby grows and develops. It is a time of transition for the entire family: mother, baby, partner, and relationships. Your body will transform from conception to the baby’s birth. Many of the physical and emotional changes you experience during pregnancy are caused by changing hormone levels. These changes can occur at various points throughout your pregnancy, but most disappear after delivery. These changes result in some usual symptoms. This article by Care For Child will help you understand the physical changes in pregnancy month by month in detail.

Are Body Changes During Pregnancy Normal? 

Physical changes after pregnancy are normal and expected. After childbirth, a woman's body undergoes several physical changes as it returns to its pre-pregnancy state. These changes can include vaginal bleeding and discharge (known as lochia), breast engorgement and lactation, abdominal cramping, and hormonal fluctuations. Additionally, some women may experience postpartum depression, which is a common and treatable mood disorder that can occur after giving birth. It's important for women to receive proper postpartum care, during physical changes during pregnancy which may include follow-up appointments with healthcare providers, support for breastfeeding, and monitoring for postpartum complications. Women should also listen to their bodies and seek medical advice if they experience severe or persistent symptoms, such as excessive bleeding or pain. With the right care and support, physical changes during pregnancy month by month can be managed and a healthy recovery phase can be enjoyed.

5 Physical Changes During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, your body undergoes numerous changes. Every woman will have a unique pregnancy experience, with symptoms ranging from the expected to the unexpected. It’s helpful to know how your body will react to the various stages of pregnancy. Some of the physical changes during pregnancy are listed below.
  1. Enlarge Breasts
Since hormones (primarily estrogen) prepare the breasts for milk production, they tend to enlarge. The milk-producing glands gradually increase in number and capacity. Wearing a bra that fits properly, with proper dry-feel nursing pads, will provide the needed support and will be beneficial. During the final weeks of pregnancy, the breasts may produce a thin, yellowish, or milky discharge (colostrum). Colostrum is also produced in the first few days after delivery, before breast milk. This fluid, high in minerals and antibodies and is usually the breastfed baby’s first food.
  1. Urinary Tract
Like the heart, the kidneys also work hard during pregnancy to filter an increased blood volume. The volume of blood filtered by the kidneys peaks between 16 and 24 weeks and remains until the baby is due. The pressure from the expanding uterus may slightly reduce the blood supply to the kidneys. The uterus presses on the bladder, shrinking it and causing it to fill with urine more quickly than usual. This pressure also causes a pregnant woman to urinate more frequently and urgently.
  1. Digestive Tract
Nausea and vomiting are common, especially in the mornings. They could be caused by high estrogen levels and human chorionic gonadotropin, two hormones that aid in pregnancy maintenance. However, it may be prevented by altering one’s diet or eating habits, such as drinking in small portions and eating frequently.
  1. Muscles and Joints
The woman’s pelvic joints and ligaments loosen and become more flexible. These body changes during pregnancy help to make room for the expanding uterus and prepares the woman for childbirth. Backache becomes more common as the spine curves more to balance the weight of the expanding uterus. Women should avoid heavy lifting, bending their knees to pick things up, and maintaining good posture while pregnant. Wearing flat shoes with good support or a lightweight maternity girdle may help to relieve back strain.
  1. Reproductive Tract
During pregnancy, the uterus continues to grow, whereby at 20 weeks, the uterus has grown to the level of the navel, and by 36 weeks, it has reached the lower edge of the rib cage. As a result, make sure that the underwear you wear is very comfortable. Consider wearing SuperBottoms MaxAbsorb underwear, which comes in four layers to ensure zero leaks. It is available in full coverage with a high-waist design for maximum comfort, and because it is made of 100% organic material, it is super stretchy, soft, breathable, and reusable for up to 2 years.


In conclusion, physical changes in pregnancy are an inevitable part of the journey to motherhood. From morning sickness to back pain and swollen feet, these changes can take a toll on an expectant mother's well-being. However, with the right strategies and support, women can manage these symptoms and promote a healthy pregnancy. In this blog, we've covered several common physical changes that occur during pregnancy and provided tips and advice on how to deal with them. By staying informed, seeking medical advice when necessary, and taking care of their bodies, pregnant women can help ensure a smooth and healthy pregnancy for themselves and their babies.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: What are some common physical changes during pregnancy month by month?

A: Some common physical changes during pregnancy include morning sickness, fatigue, weight gain, back pain, swollen feet and ankles, and changes in skin and hair.

Q: How can I manage morning sickness during pregnancy?

A: Some tips for managing morning sickness include eating small, frequent meals throughout the day, avoiding foods and smells that trigger nausea, staying hydrated, and getting plenty of rest.

Q: What are some safe exercises for pregnant women?

A: Safe exercises for pregnant women include walking, swimming, prenatal yoga, and low-impact aerobics. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any exercise routine during pregnancy.

Q: How can I relieve back pain during pregnancy?

A: Some tips for relieving back pain during pregnancy include practicing good posture, wearing supportive shoes, using a pregnancy support belt, doing prenatal exercises to strengthen the back muscles, and getting regular prenatal massages.

Q: What can I do about swollen feet and ankles during pregnancy?

A: Some tips for managing swollen feet and ankles during pregnancy include elevating the legs, avoiding standing or sitting for long periods of time, staying hydrated, and wearing comfortable shoes.

Q: What changes can I expect as physical changes during pregnancy in my skin and hair?

A: Some women may experience changes in their skin and hair during pregnancy, including increased oiliness or dryness, acne, hair thinning or hair growth, and darkening of the skin in certain areas. Using gentle skincare products and consulting with a healthcare provider can help manage these changes.

Q: When should I seek medical advice for body changes during pregnancy?

A: It's important to seek medical advice if physical changes during pregnancy are severe, persistent, or interfere with daily activities. Healthcare providers can offer guidance on managing symptoms and ensuring a healthy pregnancy."
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